I’m from Edinburgh and am currently a student in Durham. I first saw hockey on TV during the 2004 Athens Olympics and thought it looked great, so I joined an after-school club and it really went from there.
Very useful! I am much more resistant to injury and it has helped make me stronger and maintain better balance in awkward positions on the pitch. Outside of sport, it has helped me relax more, especially through the breathing techniques.
I first found yoga when a friend asked me to come along to a yoga session a couple of years back. Over the past few years, I’ve seen far more yoga poses being incorporated into warm-ups and as separate sessions on longer away trips.
LOVE Tribe. I kept coming because of how much I enjoyed the classes and how awesome everyone there is. I came for recovery and flexibility, ended up staying for the yoga.
It was probably after a month or so of doing a consistent few sessions a week that I noticed I was feeling more flexible and slightly more powerful in certain awkward positions.
100% yes. I think anyone who goes to one Yin class will agree with me I reckon!
I hear more and more athletes talking about doing yoga alongside their sport training, so yes I think it is. I definitely think it should be used for younger athletes. I went through several small injuries when I was about 13-14 and training ramped up. Had I been doing yoga at the time, I don’t think I would have suffered from those injuries as much.
I honestly love all of the classes I’ve tried! My first few classes were beginners’ ones, but after a few of those I switched to Flow Yoga and Power Yoga classes. Now I do a fairly even mix of Flow, Power, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and I enjoy Tribe Cycle as well!
To be honest, apart from studying its mainly Netflix!
I think yoga has taught me to be open to new things.
I have a few, but at the moment my main role model is someone from outside my sport, Brent Fikowski. He’s a CrossFit athlete. He’s a role model to me because of the level of commitment he gives to his sport and his level of thinking when he approaches competition, which is something I do my best to emulate.
Last place I travelled was Poland. I was there on a hockey trip.
Purple. I feel like purple crayons are the happiest so that’s definitely what I would want to be.
“Eyes Shut” by Years & Years. Just love it!
Loads of fruit and vegetables, and a lot of chicken!
Smoked salmon and avocado on toast.
Last class was the day before came back to Durham for uni. My next class will be whenever I am back home in Edinburgh.
I’m starting a new job next September, so everything is pretty dependent on that. I’m looking forward to training for European Championships in the summer and hopefully will be able to make the squad.